This piece is called Morning Star. 24"x48".
I created it for Theresa (tmsr@tmsrdesign.com), who helped me create such a wonderful website. Sunrise and sunset were the inspirations for this work. Just after or before the sun sets or rises the sky is layers of blues from the sweetest periwinkle to deepest cobalt as you look up towards the heavens. And in this neck of the woods, there is most likely a silhouette of a Ponderosa. And then there is the moon, ah, Luna my love! Sometimes when she is in her new phase, she is cradling a planet. This was the first piece I have done using lead came in such an organic manner. My past works in lead have been geometric, inspired by Frank Lloyd Wright. I loved the construction process, the flow of shapes. I used a sheet of copper to cut out the tree shape, then textured it with solder and added black patina. It sits on top of the lead came so there is a shadow box feel to the piece. It was quite fun and a great learning experience!
This is my favorite of all your stained glass, Chris! The simplicity of it, the colors, the mood...beautiful!