Thursday, August 26, 2010

Costa Rica:The Blue Morpho Stained Glass Piece

This is the final piece. It measures 20"x30". This piece is available for sale, please contact me for more information about this and other pieces I have. It took awhile, but it was worth the time and detail. Inside the moon I sandblasted a poem.

Defeated by Love by

"The sky was lit by the splendor of the moon
So powerful I fell to the ground
Your love has made me sure I am ready to
forsake this worldly life and surrender
to the magnificence of your Being"

This is the artwork
The poem is perfect. One night about a week into the trip I couldn't sleep and I walked out to the beach and lay in a hammock just yards from the ocean. Looking up, there was the full moon in all of her glory shining through the fronds of a coconut palm. Too good to be true, but it was true. I was moon struck.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Flagstaff Open Studios Tour: Ladies of the Canyon 2010

It's here again, but this year it is a month earlier! August 28-29, 10am-5pm each day.

Please come out and celebrate a weekend of creativity with us; Joni Pevarnik, pottery; Ryanne Sebern, uniquely original jewelry; Christina Norlin etched and stained glass.

Raven’s Eye Studio Location #25 in the catalog:
1255 Cox Ave. (Mountain Dell)
From the Visitors Center at Rt 66 & Beaver str. West on Route 66,
follow road to left under RR overpass (turns into Milton Rd).
At sixth traffic light turn right onto Forest Meadows. At first traffic light
turn left onto Beulah, continue through third traffic light. Go half a mile
on 89A and bear right at fork onto Mountain Dell Rd. Turn right onto
Sinclair to the 4th street, Cox, turn right, studio is just past the
stone house on the right corner.

Directions from Phx. on I-17: Exit # 337 Pulliam Airport, left on to
John Westley Powell Blvd, then right (north) onto 89A, 2 miles to
hard left to Mountain Dell Rd. Turn right onto Sinclair, Then to the 4th
street, Cox, turn right, studio is just past the stone house on the right

Quaff & Nosh will be provided by:
Simply Delicious

We will be doing demonstrations, so bring the kids!!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

This is the Moon of Love

Full Moon in Pisces
10:05 AM PDT
August 24, 2010

“You who let yourselves feel: enter the breathing that is more than your own.” Rilke

Ultimately, all our questions return to our desire to understand Love. Yet so often we confuse ourselves with the allure of romance. The difference between being in-love-with-love and being in the presence of Love is an important one.

The astrological reference is this one: Tonight we feel the tug of the mystical Pisces’s Full Moon as it merges with Pisces’ ruler, Neptune, and with Chiron, the Wounded Healer. And, simultaneously, we are experiencing Mars and Venus tightly coupled in relationship-focused Libra.

For several weeks, and continuing through September, Mars and Venus are helping us to see where we've created balance--and where we're seeking balance--relative to our human desire for love.

* Enter tonight’s (and tomorrow night’s) Pisces Full Moon. Pisces teaches us that in our search to be loved, we so often miss the obvious . . . we are Love.

Pisces helps us sense the compassionate Universal Heart energy which floods our human bodies every minute of every day. The human body is, indeed, a temple . . . and the energy of this moon reminds us that we are Infinite Light moving within and out from the human experience.

Pisces understands that grief and longing for completion are part of the experience of Love. This full moon is coupled with Chiron which suggests that we may sense the places in our lives where we've felt both unloved and unlovable. Tonight's moon is reminding us of the Love which we carry within ourselves.

This is energy which can also create no small dose of delusion, so please watch for any old habits which seem to offer escape from the rough edges of your life.

You can expect a rich dream life these next couple nights. And with Pisces, it's often unclear where the dream begins and where it ends. But whatever, or whether, the dream, it is nourished by our capacity to surrender ourselves, humbly and bravely, to the wonder which is Grace.

Please share these notes with your friends.

Much peace to you.

Deborah O’Connor